Sunday 25 December 2011

portland imc - 2011.12.23 - Single Payer Health Insurance Would ...

The best gift of all is good health and this can be done with single payer health insurance... Good health is what everyone in this country desires and needs. The best way to achieve this goal is to have affordable health insurance. Unfortunately what stands in the wsy is private health insurance companies who value monetary greed over peoples health by always raising premiums and by charging outrageous deductibles and co-pays. The solution is to give the wonderful present of single payer health insurance and you can do this by visiting the internet site of ( Single Payer Action) which is working for single payer health insurance.

Here is the mailing address of Single Payer Action if you wish to contact them by snail mail.
Single Payer Action
P.O. Box 18384
Washington D.C. 20036

I just don't understand why some americans do not want single payer health insurance. What we have now are insurance company pirates who take all of our hard earned cash and then refuse to pay their fair share of your medical bill.


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