Wednesday 29 February 2012

Choosing the Right Home Improvement Tools at Caribbean Tales ...

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February 28th, 2012 by dan

Many people enjoy home improvement projects, yet may not have all the necessary tools that are utilized. You need to be prepared so the job can be done right. Tools must always be seriously considered in such cases. When planning, you need to be very serious about getting the proper sizes and types of tools that will be needed. To help you find the right tools for your home improvement plans, we?ll make a few helpful suggestions. Make sure to click on this site and also this website here.

The choice you will need to make when it comes to choosing power equipment is if a cordless tool is necessary or not. Cordless equipment is known for not having as much power as the same unit with a cord; however, they are much more suited for most projects. Cordless tools are actually better to use due to the fact there is no cord draped over your floor; that could cause injury if someone got tangled in it. If you decide to get cordless tools, you might want to use lithium ion batteries rather than regular ones. The lithium batteries are rechargeable and will maintain a charge longer that the other rechargeable kind; these batteries will also work better in cold situations. Cordless power gear can be very efficient for your home improvement jobs; and are less likely to cause any type of injurious situations. When doing home repairs or renovations, it can be a challenge to keep your tools and other small items organized. Some of the less cumbersome equipment like screwdrivers, screws, and things like nails can be some of the most easily misplaced. A tool belt will keep your smaller tools organized and easily found when you need them. A tool apron is another valuable item that will offer pockets to hold your smaller tools or supplies in. This will make your home projects a lot less exasperating when you have all of your supplies easily accessible and will not need to hunt them down. A tool apron or tool belt can add the element of organization for not much money and allow your projects to run effortlessly.

For many of the home repairs you will be doing, without a ladder you will never reach them. When you think of the list of home improvement repairs needed to be done on your house, quite a few of them, such as painting or repairing shingles, need a ladder. A stepladder is best for jobs where you only need a certain amount of reach and for indoor tasks. An extension ladder that can be adjusted to different heights will be needed for many jobs. Many people buy a ladder, because it has a good price, without realizing that it was less expensive, since it wasn?t a heavy-duty ladder. You should always get a ladder that is heavy-duty enough to hold what you are carrying, along with you. An example, would be carrying a bundle of shingles up the ladder, which are heavy, so you would need a heavier duty ladder than if you were climbing the ladder without carrying anything. You also need a ladder that is long enough, so you don?t have to stretch out, which can be dangerous. Getting the tools you need for your home improvement project is an absolute necessity when you were going to ?do it yourself? and save a ton of cash. Some of the things we have discussed in this article are absolutely essential to certain projects. It just depends what you want to do. Finishing your home improvement project begins with getting the right tools ? before you start your project, get your tools today!

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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Announcing Transmedia ...

February 27, 2012

UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television,
USC School of Cinematic Arts &
USC Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism

Transmedia Hollywood 3: Rethinking Creative Relations
April 6, 2012, USC

Conference Overview:
As transmedia models become more central to the ways that the entertainment industry operates, the result has been some dramatic shifts within production culture, shifts in the ways labor gets organized, in how productions get financed and distributed, in the relations between media industries, and in the locations from which creative decisions are being made. This year's Transmedia Hollywood examines the ways that transmedia approaches are forcing the media industry to reconsider old production logics and practices, paving the way for new kinds of creative output. Our hope is to capture these transitions by bringing together established players from mainstream media industries and independent producers trying new routes to the market. We also hope to bring a global perspective to the conversation, looking closely at the ways transmedia operates in a range of different kinds of creative economies and how these different imperatives result in different understandings of what transmedia can contribute to the storytelling process--for traditional Hollywood, the global media industries, and for all the independent media-makers who are taking up the challenge to reinvent traditional media-making for a "connected" audience of collaborators.

Many of Hollywood's entrenched business and creative practices remain deeply mired in the past, weighed down by rigid hierarchies, interlocking bureaucracies, and institutionalized gatekeepers (e.g. the corporate executives, agents, managers, and lawyers). In this volatile moment of crisis and opportunity, as Hollywood shifts from an analog to a digital industry, one which embraces collaboration, collectivity, and compelling uses of social media, a number of powerful independent voices have emerged. These include high-profile transmedia production companies such as Jeff Gomez's Starlight Runner Entertainment as well as less well-funded and well-staffed solo artists who are coming together virtually from various locations across the globe. What these top-down and bottom-up developments have in common is a desire to buck tradition and to help invent the future of entertainment. One of the issues we hope to address today is the social, cultural, and industrial impact of these new forms of international collaboration and mixtures of old and new work cultures.
Another topic that will be addressed is the future of independent film. Will creative commons replace copyright? Will crowdsourcing replace the antiquated foreign sales model? Will the guilds be able to protect the rights of digital laborers who work for peanuts? What about audiences who work for free? Given that most people today spend the bulk of their leisure time online, why aren't independent artists going online and connecting with their community before committing their hard-earned dollars on a speculative project designed for the smallest group of people imaginable--those that frequent art-house theaters?

Fearing obsolescence in the near future, many of Hollywood's traditional studios and networks are looking increasingly to outsiders--often from Silicon Valley or Madison Avenue--to teach these old dogs some new tricks. Many current studio and network executives are overseeing in-house agencies, whose names--Sony Interactive Imageworks, NBC Digital, and Disney Interactive Media Group--are meant to describe their cutting-edge activities and differentiate themselves from Hollywood's old guard. Creating media in the digital age is "nice work if you can get it," according to labor scholar Andrew Ross in a recent book of the same name. Frequently situated in park-like "campuses," many of these new, experimental companies and divisions are hiring large numbers of next generation workers, offering them attractive amenities ranging from coffee bars to well-prepared organic food to basketball courts. However, even though these perks help to humanize the workplace, several labor scholars (e.g. Andrew Ross, Mark Deuze, Rosalind Gill) see them as glittering distractions, obscuring a looming problem on the horizon--a new workforce of "temps, freelancers, adjuncts, and migrants."

While the analog model still dominates in Hollywood, the digital hand-writing is on the wall; therefore, the labor guilds, lawyers, and agent/managers must intervene to find ways to restore the eroding power/leverage of creators. In addition, shouldn't the guilds be mindful of the new generation of digital laborers working inside these in-house agencies? What about the creative talent that emerges from Madison Avenue ad agencies like Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, makers of the Asylum 626 first-person horror experience for Doritos; or Grey's Advertising, makers of the "Behind the Still" collective campaign for Canon? Google has not only put the networks' 30-second ad to shame using Adword, but its Creative Labs has taken marketing to new aesthetic heights with its breathtaking Johnny Cash [collective] Project. Furthermore, Google's evocative Parisian Love campaign reminds us just how intimately intertwined our real and virtual lives have become.

Shouldn't Hollywood take note that many of its most powerful writers, directors, and producers are starting to embrace transmedia in direct and meaningful ways by inviting artists from the worlds of comic books, gaming, and web design to collaborate? These collaborations enhance the storytelling and aesthetic worlds tenfold, enriching "worlds" as diverse as The Dark Knight, The Avengers, and cable's The Walking Dead. Hopefully, this conference will leave all of us with a broader understanding of what it means to be a media maker today--by revealing new and expansive ways for artists to collaborate with Hollywood media managers, audiences, advertisers, members of the tech culture, and with one another.

PANEL 1 (9:15-11:15): "Realigned Work-Worlds: Hollywood/Silicon Valley/Madison Avenue" Denise Mann, moderator

This panel seeks to capture the unruly, still unfolding, wild wild west moment of cultural-industrial conversion taking place in both virtual and real-world workplaces as Hollywood looks for top-down solutions to engaging with consumers where they live--online. Once the dominant players in the content industry, Hollywood today is having to look as far away as Silicon Valley and Madison Avenue for collaborators in the 2.0 space. Many in Hollywood are trying to bridge the gap between the old and new ways of doing business, describing their operations as "Silicon Valley startups within a big media company." Disney is buying out the founders of social experiments like Club Penguin, Togetherville, and Playdom in order to reinvent their family business for the connected generation. In each instance, Hollywood's old guard is having to rely on a new generation of entrepreneurs from the tech and geek communities to teach them how to navigate the 21st century.

Break: 11:15-11:30

Panel Two (11:30-1:30): "Creative Economies: Commercial vs. State-Based Models"
Henry Jenkins, moderator

In the United States, transmedia production has been often coupled with issues of promotion and branding, because of the ways that production is funded in a Hollywood studio or network television models. But, around the world, in countries where there is strong state support for media production, alternative forms of transmedia are taking shape, which are governed by different imperatives (cultural, educational, artistic). How has transmedia fit within the effort of nation-states to promote and expand their creative economies? What can commercial media producers learn from these alternative models and approaches? How might these developments further expand our understanding of what transmedia is and what it can contribute to the language of storytelling? What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating transmedia content under these different kinds of creative economies?

Lunch (1:30-2:30)

Panel Three (2:30-4:30): "Working on the Margins--Who Pays for Transformative Works of Art?" Denise Mann, moderator

The independent film industry isn't working any longer--so says powerful indie producer Ted Hope, who now advocates for using transmedia entertainment models that allow media-makers to engage directly with fans, and in the process, rethink old production, marketing, and distribution patterns that no longer make sense in the 21st century. A new generation of media-makers, actors, writers, directors, and producers are taking concrete steps to reinvent bottom-up entertainment for the contemporary, connected, tech-savvy audience. For some independent-minded creators, the best way to connect with today's self-aware audience is by creating a self-mocking, self-reflexive web series like The Guild or Dr. Horrible. For others, the best way to engage with the audience is by creating collective works of art via star-driven companies like hitRECord or Funny or Die. The impulse behind each of these works of collective intelligence is to take art out of the rarified world of crumbling art-house theaters, museums, and galleries and put it back into the hands of the masses-- creating an immersive, interactive, and collective works of transmedia entertainment, made by and for the people who enjoy it most.

Break (4:30-4:45)

Panel 4 (4:45-6:45): "Creative Intersections: How Comics Fit into the Transmedia Ecology"
Henry Jenkins, moderator

By many accounts, the comics industry in the United States struggles to survive, with mainstream titles facing declining readerships, despite some growth in the sales of independent graphic novels through bookstores. Yet, the comics industry has never played a more central role in the entertainment industry as a whole, with comics seeding more and more film and television franchises, and with comics performing important functions within larger transmedia projects. So, how can we understand the paradoxical status of the comics industry? In what ways are these other media outlets helping to subsize the production of printed comics? What kinds of advantages does content audience-tested through comics bring to other media industries? Why have so many television series sought to extend their narratives through graphic novels in recent years? As comics are brought to the screen, what do the producers owe to the fans of the original material as opposed to new viewers who may have little to no awareness of the series' origins in comics? What lessons might transmedia producers learn from the larger history of extended universes and intertexuality within comics?


Henry Jenkins
Henry Jenkins is the Provost's Professor of Communications, Journalism, Cinematic Arts, and Education at the University of Southern California. He is the author or editor of 15 books on various aspects of media and popular culture, including Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture (1992), Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide (2006) and with Sam Ford and Joshua Green, Spreadable Media: Creating Media and Value in a Networked Culture (Fall, 2012).

Denise Mann
Denise Mann is Associate Professor and Head of the Producers Program at the UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television. Her most recent book is Hollywood Independents: The Postwar Talent Takeover (Minnesota, 2008). Previously, Mann co-edited Private Screenings: Television & the Female Consumer (Minnesota, 1992) and has published articles on television and consumer culture in a range of journals. Mann served as an associate editor on Camera Obscura, a journal of feminism and film theory, for six years.

Speakers include:

Ivan Askwith

Ivan Askwith is Senior Director of Digital Media at Lucasfilm, where he oversees strategic and creative direction for the wide range of online, mobile, social and cross-platform initiatives that make up the digital presence of Star Wars, Lucasfilm, and the company's other properties. Previously, he was the Director of Strategy at Big Spaceship.

Morgan Bouchet
Morgan Bouchet is Transmedia and Social Media Vice President of the Content Division of Orange and is Director of the Orange Transmedia Lab . Orange is a brand of France Telecom, the main telecommunications company in France (and one of the world's largest). Bouchet joined France Telecom in 2000, developing content experiences and Vod products before moving to transmedia and social media. Prior to France Telecom, Bouchet was manager of the New Media division of FKGB, a French entertainment marketing company.

Angela Chen Caplan

Angela Cheng Caplan is the President and CEO of Cheng Caplan Company, Inc., a boutique literary/talent management and production company based in Los Angeles, California, representing Academy Award nominated filmmakers, best-selling book authors, Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and world famous comic book creators such as Brian Wood

Katerina Cizek

Director Katerina Cizek is an Emmy-winning documentary-maker working across many media platforms. Cizek directs the National Film Board of Canada's Highrise series on residential skyscrapers. For five years, she was the National Film Board of Canada's Filmmaker-in-Residence at an inner-city hospital, in a many-media project that won a 2008 Webby Award, a Banff Award, and a Canadian New Media Award.

Sara Diamond

Sara Diamond is the President of the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University, Canada's "university of the imagination." Prior to her presidency at OCAD University, Dr. Diamond was the Artistic Director of Media and Visual Art and Director of Research at the Banff Centre, where in 1995 she created the Banff New Media Institute (BNMI) and led it for 10 years. Dr. Diamond holds a PhD in computer science and degrees in new media theory and practice, social history, and communications from the United Kingdom and Canada.

Christy Dena
Dr. Christy Dena is the director of Universe Creation 101, an organization that creates and consults cross-media narrative development. As a transmedia analyst, she collaborated with colleagues Tim Kring, Nokia and The company P on Conspiracy for Good, a Digital Emmy-nominated alternate reality experience (2011 Digital Emmy-nominated alternate reality experience. Another recent project includes curating and co-organizing Transmedia Victoria, an industry conference and workshop for the Australia Council of the Arts. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Sydney, a postgraduate diploma in Creative Writing from University of Melbourne, and a B.A. in Visual and Performing Arts from Monash University.

Nick De Martino
Nick De Martino is a media and technology consultant and was Senior Vice President of Media and Technology at the American Film Institute for 20 years before retiring in 2010. Under his direction, AFI and Apple Computer developed the first training lab for Hollywood filmmakers, the beginning of many collaborations with high-powered technology companies (that also included Adobe, Intel, and IBM, among others). The Los Angeles Business Journal named De Martino a leader in technology twice, and in 2006, the Hollywood Reporter and the Producer's Guild of America's New Media Council ranked De Martino #3 in the "Digital 50" which recognizes digital innovaters.

Jennifer Holt

Jennifer Holt is Associate Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara. She specializes in the areas of media industry studies, film and television history, and media policy. Her current research looks at regulation and policy in the era of digitization and convergence. She is the co-editor of Media Industries: History, Theory, and Method (Blackwell, 2009) and author of Empires of Entertainment (Rutgers UP, 2011), which examines deregulation and media conglomeration from 1980-1996. She is also the Co-Director of the Carsey-Wolf Center's Media Industries Project.

Ted Hope

Ted Hope has produced Academy-Award nominated independent films such as 21 Grams (2003), The Savages (2007), and In The Bedroom (2001). Three of his entries to the Sundance Film Festival have won the Grand Jury Prize: American Splendor (2003), The Brothers McMullen (1995), and What Happened Was.. (1994). In the early 1990s, he co-founded Good Machine, an independent film production and distribution company that went to become Focus Features. Currently, Hope works from his New York-based indie production house, This Is That, which he co-founded in 2002. He is the recipient of the 2009 Vision Award from the LA Filmmakers' Alliance as well as the Woodstock Film Festival's Honorary Trailblazer Award.

Gareth Kay
Gareth Kay is Chief Strategy Officer of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, an ad agency based in San Francisco. He joined GS&P as the Director of Digital Strategy in 2009. Prior to joining GS&P, Kay was Head of Planning at Modernista!, where he oversaw the strategic direction of all accounts including Cadillac, HUMMER, Napster and (RED). Gareth began his career in the UK and worked at TBWA, dfgw and Lowe. Gareth serves on the boards of Boulder Digital Works and the VCU Brandcenter, and sits on the Google Creative Leadership Council.

Katherine Keller

Katherine Keller is a "Founding Tart" and the current Culture Vultures
Editrix at Sequential Tart. She is married to Ralph Mathieu, owner of
the Eisner nominated Alternate Reality Comics. (Yes, she married her
neighborhood comic shop owner.) In her day job she works at the Lied
Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She is passionate about
comics, pop culture, fandom, and open access publishing.

Joe LeFavi

Joe LeFavi, is a transmedia producer and brand strategist who launched consultancy Quixotic Transmedia in 2010. His company provided the transmedia strategy for Immortals (2011), Relativity Media's highest grossing film. He has also collaborated with I am Rogue, Lionsgate and Crest Animation. In addition, his company has published motion comics for Platinum's Cowboys & Aliens, numerous titles for Archaia such as Immortals and Johnny Recon, and over 100+ titles for The Jim Henson Company, which includes their line of Archaia graphic novels.

Jordan Levin

Jordan Levin is founding partner and CEO of Generate, a management and cross-platform production company in Los Angeles. Levin is best known for co-founding the WB, where he where he helped develop a distinctive brand of young-skewing shows (Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and served as the youngest-ever network CEO.

Sheila C. Murphy

Shelia C. Murphy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Screen Arts & Cultures at the University of Michigan. Murphy is also the author of How Television Invented New Media (Rutgers UP, 2011). She received her B.A. in Art History from the University of Rochester and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Visual Studies from the University of California, Irvine. From teletubbies to cybernetics, television to "convergence," and hacking, her interest lies in visual discourse of and cultural rhetoric about how, why, when and where we use computers and incorporate them into our everyday life.

Jose Padhila
Jose Padhila is a Brazilian filmmaker and producer. His credits include Bus 174, Elite Squad, and Elite Squad: The Enemy Within, a trilogy that explores corruption and brutality in Brazil. Elite Squad won the Golden Berlin Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2008, one of Padhila's many filmmaking awards. Upcoming films include Robocop, Words with Gods and Rio, eu te amo.

Mike Richardson

Mike Richardson is the current president of Dark Horse Comics, a comics publishing company he founded in 1986, as well as the president of Dark Horse Entertainment, which has developed and produced numerous projects for film and television based on Dark Horse or other licensed properties. Dark Horse publishes many licensed comics, including comics based on Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Aliens, Predator, Mass Effect, and Conan; the company also publishes creator owned comics such as Frank Miller's Sin City and 300, Mike Mignola's Hellboy, Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo, Paul Chadwick's Concrete, and Michael Chabon's The Escapist.

Mary Vogt

Mary Vogt is a costume designer who has been Emmy-nominated for her work on Pushing Daisies (2008). She was the costume designer for the Men in Black movies, Batman Returns (1992), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007), and the 2010 Tamil (South Asian) science fiction blockbuster, Endhiran (Robot).

Watch here for further speaker announcements.


Eileen Norris Cinema Theatre, USC Cinematic Arts Complex, Los Angeles

The USC School of Cinematic Arts is located at 900 W. 34th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007. Parking passes are available for Parking Structure D (PSD) for $8.00 at Entrance Gate #4, located off Jefferson Blvd. at Royal Street (east of Hoover Street). The School of Cinematic Arts is down 34th Street (heading away from Figueroa) from the Parking Structure. To view a map of the Parking Structures and Entrance Gates, visit

Conference Pass (includes admission to all panels and reception)

General Public: $40
Faculty/Students: $10
(Valid university ID required at check-in)
Purchase Tickets here
Processing fees may apply.
All sales are final.

Extra Event: Teaching Transmedia

As more and more colleges and universities are teaching courses in transmedia enertainment, crossmedia design, and convergence culture, Transmedia Hollywood wants to invite people interested in exchanging resources or trading experiences to gather for a special "birds of a feather" meeting at the Annenberg Innovation Lab on the eve of the conference -- April 5 -- at 7 pm. If you want to come, drop me a note at


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Monday 27 February 2012

Siri Will Command the New Mercedes A-Class [Cars]

Mercedes-Benz has announced its plans to fully integrate the the driver's iPhone as well as Siri assistant into future A-Class models. It'll be like having your own personal, mildly-incompetent HAL. More »


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UCF Baseball Squanders Late Lead, Falls 8-7 to Boston College in Game 2 of Series

Baseball, Sports ? By Eric Py on February 25, 2012 at 8:33 pm

The sequel to the first game of the Boston College (4-1) at UCF (4-2) three-game series was just as exciting and just as close as Game 1, however this time the Knights ended up on

the loosing end of a game that went back and fourth and down to the last out.

?Obviously it was a great college baseball game, back and forth, the entire time both teams battling right ?till the end.? Baseball is a game of momentum and I thought our guys fought all night long,? Coach Terry Rooney said. ?We put four runs up and then gave up three, it is what it is.?

UCF starting pitcher Brian Adkins retired three straight batters, escaping a pinch when a lead off walk followed by a double from Tom Bourdon put two Eagles in scoring position with no outs.

Shortstop Darnell Sweeney got things going with a lead off single.? After a clean steal of second, Sweeney scored for the Knights when an error on a routine groundball hit by Chris Taladay allowed Sweeney to advance home from second.

Tom Bourdin hit a single to bring in a run for the Eagles and Anthony Melchionda tagged Knights pitcher Adkins also for a single.? The tough bounce allowed another run to score giving the Eagles a 2-1 lead.? Matt Pare singled to center to drive in another, and Spenser Payne hit a grounder threw the second base gap to add one more.? The Eagles led 4-1 in the bottom of the third.

After giving up a lead off hit in the fourth, Rooney saw enough and brought in right-hander Matt Collins.? Collins forced a 1-4-3 double play and popped up the next batter to cool down a hot hitting Eagles line up.

The production continued however for the Eagles in the fifth when an infield single was followed by a run scoring double from Pare.

The Knights responded with a Taladay double to deep right, a Ryan Breen single to put runners at the corners, and a sacrifice grounder from James Vasquez to bring Taladay home.

Alex Friedrich drew a walk, to put a Knight at each corner again, and Nick ?C-Lo? Carrillo put a laser into the shortstops ankles, forcing an error and scoring the second run of the inning.? The Knights trailed 5-3 after five.

In the bottom of the sixth, Sweeney started the inning by reaching on an infield hit, followed by Ronnie Richardson earning a free pass to first. ?Taladay drove a single to right field to bring Sweeney home.? With the bases loaded, Vasquez lined a single to center to tack on two more.? Friedrich contributed a sacrifice fly to bring the damage to four runs on the inning.

After a pivotal sixth inning, the Knights claimed the lead with a score of 7-5.

In the top of the seventh, bases loaded for the Eagles and two outs, Knights pitcher Matt Collins walked in a run forcing Coach Rooney to go to lefty Eric Skogland from the bullpen.? Skogland walked in the tying run, as the crowd graciously offered their opinion of the umpires? noticeably smaller strike zone.

Skogland walked in another, giving the Eagles an 8-7 advantage with only three frames left.? A pop-up finally got the Knights out of the inning but not after relinquishing a late lead.

The Knights would not manage to reclaim the lead as they fell to the Eagles 8-7 in another close game, bringing the series to a 1-1 tie.? Tyler Hinchliffe was the winning pitcher and Knights reliever Matt Collins would take his second loss of the season.

A series winner will be decided tomorrow at noon, at Jay Bergmann Field.


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Sunday 26 February 2012

What Are Mormon Missions Like? What About Romney's? (ContributorNetwork)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]ContributorNetwork - Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon church. Like many Mormon men, he served a two-year full-time proselyting mission -- to France, in Romney's case, where he learned to speak the language and offered to teach thousands of people about Mormonism.


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Saturday 25 February 2012

Company claiming iPad trademark sues Apple in US (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - Apple Inc. is facing yet another challenge to its use of the iPad trademark in China — this time in a court in California.


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Billionaire Tom Petters was a respected CEO for more than a decade. His companies included iconic American brands like Polaroid, Sun Country Airlines and Fingerhut. But these legitimate businesses were purchased with dirty money. Petters' reputation wa...


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Friday 24 February 2012

'Cosmopolis' Isn't For 'Team Edward Girls,' Jay Baruchel Says

Robert Pattinson's co-star describes the David Cronenberg film to MTV News as 'an exceedingly strange movie.'
By Kevin P. Sullivan

Robert Pattinson and Sarah Gadon in "Cosmopolis"
Photo: Caitlin Cronenberg's Twitter

David Cronenberg's next film, "Cosmopolis," may have won MTV's Movie Brawl thanks to the support of die-hard Robert Pattinson fans, but one of his co-stars told MTV News the film will be far from what Twilighters are expecting.

While promoting "Goon," a film he stars in and co-wrote, Jay Baruchel shared his experiences working for a short period of time on the Manhattan set of "Cosmopolis." Unfortunately for the Pattinson fans out there, according to Baruchel, Cronenberg's next movie might be too strange for them.

"An exceedingly strange movie," Baruchel said, describing "Cosmopolis." "All the Team Edward girls won't be seeing this one, I don't think."

For Baruchel, working with Cronenberg — who made a name for himself with horror films — was a dream come true. "Basically, it was that Cronenberg is a hero of mine. I'm a Canadian boy. I love horror. That's all I want to do," Baruchel said. "If you're a Canadian horror fan, Cronenberg's the Holy Grail."

The opportunity for Baruchel came about in a rather mundane way, but his reaction to it was anything but. "I was in Manhattan last year, keeping my lady company, and they called up and were like, 'Hey, do you want to do two days on this new Cronenberg?' I said, 'Yep!' 'Wait, wait. We'll send you the script.' I couldn't care less; what I'm playing is a means to an end. I just want to go and film-nerd-out about 'Videodrome' with him for two days."

The actual experience of working with Cronenberg did not disappoint. "Not only did I get to go and be a fly on the wall for two days and watch one of my heroes do his thing, I actually had the pleasure being directed by him," Baruchel said. "Coolest thing ever."

Check out everything we've got on "Cosmopolis."

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Contact: Andy Henion
Michigan State University

EAST LANSING, Mich. --- In a narrow, modest laboratory in Michigan State University's Giltner Hall, students pore over African skeletons from the Middle Ages in an effort to make the bones speak.

Little is known about these Nubians, meaning the information collected by graduate and undergraduate students in MSU's Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology Program will help shed light on this unexplored culture.

"This is generally an unknown group of people, so what we get to do with the skeletal collection is really make the bones speak," said Carolyn Hurst, a doctoral student in physical anthropology who is leading the lab this academic year.

The 409 skeletons dating from the sixth to 15th centuries were rescued several years ago from gravesites on Mis Island, located along the Nile River in present day Sudan, before the region became a dam. The collection is on loan to MSU from the prestigious British Museum.

Four MSU graduate students helped in the excavation. Now, another group of students both graduate-level and undergraduates are analyzing the bones for clues into the ancient Nubians' diets, health histories and lifestyles.

Having direct access to a large, well-preserved set of ancient remains is rare for college students. The research experience provides a major advantage for MSU students looking to become professional anthropologists or forensic scientists.

"There aren't a lot of programs from across the world that have a collection like this," said Todd Fenton, associate professor in the MSU Department of Anthropology and director of the Nubian bones project. "It gives our graduate students an amazing research platform and also provides exciting opportunities for our undergraduate students."

For years, Fenton and his students have worked with personnel from the British Museum on excavations in Albania. In the mid-2000s, when the massive Merowe Dam was being built in an area known as the Fourth Cataract of the Nile River, Derek Welsby from the museum turned to Fenton for help in excavating the medieval Nubian remains.

Four MSU graduate students Cate Bird, Lindsey Jenny, Tracey Tichnell and Andrea Clowes traveled to Sudan to assist with the three-month excavation in early 2007. The work was undertaken by the Sudan Archaeological Research Society in collaboration with the British Museum.

Under the brutal African sun, the MSU students, with help from museum fieldworkers and Sudanese citizens, carefully removed the skeletons from their burial sites, conducted a preliminary analysis of the bones, then boxed them up and shipped them to the British Museum in London.

"I jumped at the opportunity to go to Sudan and see a region of the world that's not very accessible," said Bird, a doctoral student in anthropology. "We usually just see bones in the laboratory. To be able to have such a hand in excavating them and making sure they were handled properly and cared for was important to me."

The skeletons remained at the museum until May 2010, when they came to MSU through a five-year loan, which can be renewed.

After cleaning and cataloguing the skeletons, a group of students spent the first academic year studying the adult skeletons. That project led by Angela Soler, who recently earned her doctorate in anthropology included analyzing the bones and teeth to determine dietary habits, sex, approximate age and evidence of illness or trauma.

The information collected is entered into a database run by the British Museum, which is analyzing another set of remains from Mis Island.

"We were extremely pleased to team up with MSU because of the unbridled enthusiasm of both Dr. Fenton and his students," said Welsby, assistant keeper in the British Museum's Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan. "This is an ideal scenario in that we get the basic skeletal report to integrate into our final report on all aspects of the work at the Fourth Cataract while the students get the raw material to study."

Margaret Zywicki, a senior anthropology major from metro Detroit, worked in the Giltner Hall lab from the beginning "when the bones were in boxes covered with dirt" and is now applying to graduate schools.

"I had no experience with bones before, so by working here I've gotten extensive experience that most undergraduates don't get," Zywicki said. "And now that I'm applying to graduate schools I have that experience on my resume and that's something that should really catch their attention."

This year, the students, led by Hurst, are studying the child and adolescent skeletons.

Kailey Shelton, a junior from Maryland, is enjoying the project so much she decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in anthropology to go along with her history major.

"It's so neat to see the physical remains of something that's a thousand years old," Shelton said. "It's the idea that something from so long ago is right here in front of me, and I'm able to tell something about that person from it.

"As clichd as it is, it's where history comes alive, and that's always been the thing that excites me the most."


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Making the bones speak [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Feb-2012
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Contact: Andy Henion
Michigan State University

EAST LANSING, Mich. --- In a narrow, modest laboratory in Michigan State University's Giltner Hall, students pore over African skeletons from the Middle Ages in an effort to make the bones speak.

Little is known about these Nubians, meaning the information collected by graduate and undergraduate students in MSU's Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology Program will help shed light on this unexplored culture.

"This is generally an unknown group of people, so what we get to do with the skeletal collection is really make the bones speak," said Carolyn Hurst, a doctoral student in physical anthropology who is leading the lab this academic year.

The 409 skeletons dating from the sixth to 15th centuries were rescued several years ago from gravesites on Mis Island, located along the Nile River in present day Sudan, before the region became a dam. The collection is on loan to MSU from the prestigious British Museum.

Four MSU graduate students helped in the excavation. Now, another group of students both graduate-level and undergraduates are analyzing the bones for clues into the ancient Nubians' diets, health histories and lifestyles.

Having direct access to a large, well-preserved set of ancient remains is rare for college students. The research experience provides a major advantage for MSU students looking to become professional anthropologists or forensic scientists.

"There aren't a lot of programs from across the world that have a collection like this," said Todd Fenton, associate professor in the MSU Department of Anthropology and director of the Nubian bones project. "It gives our graduate students an amazing research platform and also provides exciting opportunities for our undergraduate students."

For years, Fenton and his students have worked with personnel from the British Museum on excavations in Albania. In the mid-2000s, when the massive Merowe Dam was being built in an area known as the Fourth Cataract of the Nile River, Derek Welsby from the museum turned to Fenton for help in excavating the medieval Nubian remains.

Four MSU graduate students Cate Bird, Lindsey Jenny, Tracey Tichnell and Andrea Clowes traveled to Sudan to assist with the three-month excavation in early 2007. The work was undertaken by the Sudan Archaeological Research Society in collaboration with the British Museum.

Under the brutal African sun, the MSU students, with help from museum fieldworkers and Sudanese citizens, carefully removed the skeletons from their burial sites, conducted a preliminary analysis of the bones, then boxed them up and shipped them to the British Museum in London.

"I jumped at the opportunity to go to Sudan and see a region of the world that's not very accessible," said Bird, a doctoral student in anthropology. "We usually just see bones in the laboratory. To be able to have such a hand in excavating them and making sure they were handled properly and cared for was important to me."

The skeletons remained at the museum until May 2010, when they came to MSU through a five-year loan, which can be renewed.

After cleaning and cataloguing the skeletons, a group of students spent the first academic year studying the adult skeletons. That project led by Angela Soler, who recently earned her doctorate in anthropology included analyzing the bones and teeth to determine dietary habits, sex, approximate age and evidence of illness or trauma.

The information collected is entered into a database run by the British Museum, which is analyzing another set of remains from Mis Island.

"We were extremely pleased to team up with MSU because of the unbridled enthusiasm of both Dr. Fenton and his students," said Welsby, assistant keeper in the British Museum's Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan. "This is an ideal scenario in that we get the basic skeletal report to integrate into our final report on all aspects of the work at the Fourth Cataract while the students get the raw material to study."

Margaret Zywicki, a senior anthropology major from metro Detroit, worked in the Giltner Hall lab from the beginning "when the bones were in boxes covered with dirt" and is now applying to graduate schools.

"I had no experience with bones before, so by working here I've gotten extensive experience that most undergraduates don't get," Zywicki said. "And now that I'm applying to graduate schools I have that experience on my resume and that's something that should really catch their attention."

This year, the students, led by Hurst, are studying the child and adolescent skeletons.

Kailey Shelton, a junior from Maryland, is enjoying the project so much she decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in anthropology to go along with her history major.

"It's so neat to see the physical remains of something that's a thousand years old," Shelton said. "It's the idea that something from so long ago is right here in front of me, and I'm able to tell something about that person from it.

"As clichd as it is, it's where history comes alive, and that's always been the thing that excites me the most."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Thursday 23 February 2012

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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Fundamentals Of Corporate Finance Clearance Sale

Fundamentals of corporate finance clearance sale. Investing small amounts should fast add in greater than time. Those things would be the cheapest within a world. Completely revised and updated , this edition could be the ideal book on valuation to obtain CEOs and corporate strategists. We have all been taught the fact that stock market is risky also , you need thousands connected with dollars having a financial advisor to invest. You?ll gain an understanding for this vitality related with today?s valuation models and develop our acumen considered necessary for this generally complex and subtle valuation scenarios you will face. Exactly where can any kind of investor move to invest in stocks by smaller dollar amounts? Special Stock Buy Plans (DSPPs); might buying stocks directly not having a broker creating small dollar amounts. Now , $50 doesn’t solid like enough money which will begin an investment or wealth building technique a great number financial advisors probably would tell you that will worries least $2 , 000 is needed.

This book will give detailed information with regard to Channel Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs) , explain stock investing and discuss reasons why its definitely not when difficult as being the experts inside storage would certainly feature we believe. This excellent book will provide detailed information with reference to Primary Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs) , explain stock investing and discuss why is this it actually is certainly not as difficult while the experts from the media channels would already have your family believe. As soon as you are interested within your theory or sometimes practice of valuation , you and your family should really have Damodaran for Valuation from the bookshelf. The second edition of Damodaran on Valuation stands out as your most reliable arrange to answering many of today?s critical valuation questions. You are bet that experts claim I do. ? Michael J. We each have everything been taught where the stock market may be risky whilst you want thousands among dollars plus a financial advisor so that you can invest. There is a really lot of information on television and also the cyberspace close to investing and let’s face it , a large percentage of for it really confusing towards the mean person. Yourrrre able to bet that may I do. ? Michael J. Investing not so big amounts can promptly add up over time.

These investment plans happen to be that will help each and every one investors maximized every dollar. You?ll gain an understanding about the vitality of today?s valuation models and develop any acumen needed for most complex and subtle valuation scenarios your family will face. Aswath Damodaran is simply the best quality valuation teacher around. Of Corporate Finance. Mauboussin , Chief Investment Strategist , Legg Mason Capital Handle and author of At least Somebody Know: Finding Financial Wisdom inside Unconventional Places In order being a successful CEO , corporate strategist , or analyst , understanding the valuation plan is actually a necessity. Fundamentals Involving Corporate Finance Clearance Sale. But consider this , $50 invested at 6% every month over 30 years may be over $50 , 000. Aswath Damodaran is simply the best quality valuation teacher around.

The second edition of Damodaran directly on Valuation stands out since the most reliable book intended for answering many in today?s critical valuation questions. Presently , $50 doesn’t solid like enough money to start a certain investment or else wealth building plan and quite a few financial advisors would tell everyone that available at least $2 , 000 is needed. Most of these investment plans are that could help all of the investors maximized every and every dollar. Where have the ability to a investor convert to actually buy stocks by using moderate dollar amounts? Straightforward Stock Obtain Plans (DSPPs); this can be buying stocks personally free of a broker using modest dollar amounts. Fundamentals From Corporate Finance Clearance Sale. In this magazine we will learn to?..”* Invest in companies on the Dow 30 and S&P 500 like McDonalds , Nike and Target with One-on-one Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs).”* Invest in bit of to Little or no fees and also commissions.”* Invest in Real Estate without owning property , by using stock from the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).”* Build wealth beyond time with small but successful amounts. Building Wealth with $50 is written in the independent investor needing a little in the upright position downward information about investing with regard to stocks. Around this important book you will be able to learn to?..”* Invest in companies inside Dow 30 and S&P 500 like McDonalds , Nike and Target with the help of Steer Stock Investment Plans (DSPPs).”* Invest having small to Completely no fees or commissions.”* Invest in Real Estate without need of owning property , along with stock from a Natural Estate Investment Trust (REIT).”* Build wealth over time with small amounts.

But consider the idea , $50 invested to 6% nearly every month over 30 years is simply over $50 , 000. Mauboussin , Chief Investment Strategist , Legg Mason Capital Management and author of Upwards of Someone Know: Finding Financial Wisdom during Unconventional Places In demand as being a successful CEO , corporate strategist , or analyst , understanding the valuation methods is usually a necessity. Available is truly a lot of information entirely on television additionally the internet about investing and let’s face it , the large majority of of it?s always confusing within the average person. Completely revised and updated , this edition is going to be ideal book on valuation in support of CEOs and corporate strategists. Building Wealth with $50 is definitely written in the independent investor needing a little straight forward information about investing inside stocks. As soon as you are really interested inside the theory or perhaps even practice involved with valuation , you need to have Damodaran on Valuation in your bookshelf. Could be the finest brand on the world.


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Monday 20 February 2012

Choosing an Autoresponder

Nearly everyone has heard the phrase, ?The Money Is In The List?, at some time or another. If you are advertising products or information via a website, whether they are your own products or whether you are acting as an affiliate, the larger your list is ? the larger your profits are likely to grow. Nearly all successful online business people develop their list with an auto responder. As the name suggests, an auto responder is a piece of software that delivers pre-written messages, information, offers or promotions to email addresses supplied by visitors to your web site or splash pages.

The formula is effortless.

Setup a web page that provides something of massive value totally away for free. It may be a free report, a video tutorial, an audio interview, or a live webinar. Then, in return for your free information, the visitor will provide you their contact details.

And then the magic happens.

You can follow up with them automatically and offer extra value and even persuade them to buy from you! This is all accomplished using an auto responder, all automatically and efficiently for you. The notion being that by giving valued and useful information, you develop trust with your list and increase the chances of them purchasing from you.

Stats show that most visitors will not pay money for something off the internet on first contact. The generally accepted standard is that it takes something like 7 contacts before someone will make a purchasing decision. In other words, you may perhaps do all the hard work to get a visitor to your site, but if you don?t put into action some way to keep in touch with them and remind them of your product again and again over time, your initial effort may well have been in vain.

Nearly all auto responders allow you to run numerous campaigns, so you can have a separate campaign (and different lists) for different niches.

This is essential as it allows you to keep lists targeted on a particular niche. The only manual work necessary is in the initial setup phase of your campaigns but this is straightforward to do and most service providers have online instructions and help for the inexperienced. It is simple to setup and once the setup is completed, a lot of the hard work is removed when it come to interacting with prospects or following up on customers with after sales service. Providing informative emails rather than cold selling will go a way towards building trust and credibility with your list.

Always search for a service that provides you with unlimited Auto responders for a flat rate. This takes care of all future increase of your venture, and these days this level of service has become very affordable. Some providers keep increasing your subscription costs as the size of your list grows and you don?t want to go through the headache of transferring your list to a lower cost provider later down the line.

Having an auto responder service as part of your online enterprise is virtually non-negotiable. If your hosting company can provide you with easy access and help in setting up such a lead capturing system in order to make the most of your profit and save you money, then you most likely found the right place to host your business as well.


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Capitol bomb plot arrest capped yearlong probe (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

This artist rendering shows Amine El Khalifi before U.S. District Judge T. Rawles Jones Jr. in federal court in Alexandria, Va., Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. El Khalifi, a 29-year-old Moroccan man was arrested Friday near the U.S. Capitol as he was planning to detonate what he thought was a suicide vest, given to him by FBI undercover operatives, said police and government officials. (AP Photo/Dana Verkouteren)AP - Within the last week, authorities say, Amine El Khalifi's plan was proceeding as hoped: An al-Qaida associate handed him an automatic weapon to kill security officers inside the U.S. Capitol. A bomb-laden vest would detonate the building. He'd die as a martyr.


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Sunday 19 February 2012

Card Game Takes Your Nerd Altercations to the ... - Family Game Nite

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    MICHIGAN CITY ? The Drum Corps International show, Super Boat Grand Prix, Labor Dayz, Hoosier Coho fishing tournament and post Fourth of July fireworks show are just some of the [?]

  • Board games gain popularity

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  • Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board Releases January Table Games Revenue

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  • iPhone, iPad, Zynga Featured at Hasbro's Toy Fair 2012 [PHOTOS]

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  • Classic board games are getting a technology-infused revamp

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  • Blizzard OKs WoW and StarCraft-based Board Games

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  • Saban Brands and Pressman Toy Team Up to Introduce Board Games Based on Power Rangers Samurai TV Series for 2012

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  • World of Warcraft Monopoly, Starcraft Risk inbound

    Board games based on popular Blizzard franchises due beginning this May at retail; player pieces for Monopoly set put to vote on Facebook. [?]

  • zAPPed board games hands-on

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  • Core Dump: Digital Board Games for iOS

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  • Source:

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